The GIA Wellness Challenge began and I left the next day on a 12 day trip and mission in Guatemala. This important book, THE LEADER WHO HAD NO TITLE:  A MODERN FABLE ON REAL SUCCESS IN BUSINESS & IN LIFE accompanied me. Here I am in Antigua, at our adorable hotel, enjoying as few minutes with its profound truths.

I had received this book as part of the box of goodies we got as participants of Lynda Cormier’s immensely powerful and effective 6 week “Affirmations Class.” Choosing to commit to and to complete Lynda’s class this fall, was a gift I gave myself. But more thank that, it helped me make an important decision: to devote myself to the personal development my soul and purposed craved, and the loving attention my career longed for.

Devoting myself to my dreams and the desires of my heart as worthy of my efforts, is a gift I get to unwrap every day as I choose ME, and to LIVE WORTHY.

As part of my GIA Challenge, I made a commitment to myself to spend a short 5-15 minutes per day immersing myself in its principles and lessons. Why 5-15? Because I wanted to give myself a goal I could realistically both commit to AND achieve.  I knew that life would press in and I wanted to set myself up to succeed. 

Not only is this an entertaining and provocative modern day fable, it’s a manual for learning to live an extraordinary life.

Below are a few of its precious nuggets and the essence of LWT “Lead Without a Title” philosophy: 

“Leadership & Success are your birthright.”

“We all need to lead where we are planted and shine where we now find ourselves.”

“Every job is an important job. And the awesome result of revealing leadership within the area of influence you’re now in is that the more you do it, the more your area of influence will expand.”

“We all have an ‘inner leader” inside of us, longing txobreak free. We all have a natural power to lead that. has nothing to do with title.”

“In a gentle way you can shake the world.” -Ghandi

“No role is a small role. Same applies to business…its…the symphony metaphor…The only way any organization — and any human being, for that matter, will win in these times of revolutionary change will be to start operating under a revolutionary new model of leadership. And this model is all about creating an environment and culture where everyone needs to show. leadership.Everyone needs to drive innovation.Everyone needs to inspire their teammates. Everyone needs to inspire change. Everyone needs to take responsibility for results.Everyone needs to be positive. Everyone needs to be devoted to expressing their absolute best. And, once they do, the organization will not only adapt beautifully to the changing conditions, it will actually lead within its field.” 

“And with all the cataclysmic change in our society right now, leadership has become the single most important master skill for success in business.”

“Leadership isn’t only something to do at work. We need to. practice leadership in every arena in which we play.”

“To arrive at our greatest lives, its ever so important to model leadership in our health, demonstrate leadership with our loved ones, reflect leadership within our communities. And most essentially, the foundation of it all is self-leadership.”

“Finding the center of strength within ourselves is in the long run the best contribution we can make to our fellow man.” 

IMAGE: INNOVATION -cultivate your lust for creativity. MASTERY: commit yourself to mastery of what you do. Nothing less than my very best. AUTHENTICITY: Be yourself. everyone else is taken. GUTS IN BUSINESS: unrealistically, persistently & wildly courageously  ETHICS: You. will never go wrong doing what is right. 

“Devote yourself to daily and relentless process… Daily ripples of superior performance add up to a tidal wave. Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results…Small little leadership acts really will compound into breathtaking consequences.”

The Daily 5 – Imagine doing 5 little yet important tasks every day to get you closer to your most. important goals…Big changes are scary, but anyone can complete five tiny goals in one day.” 

SPARK: SPEAK with Candor. PRIORITIZE – focus on the best & neglect the rest. ADVERSITY BREEDS OPPORTUNITY. RESPOND – don’t react when turbulent times show up. OFFER KUDOS. 

“It’s not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it’s because we do not dare, that things are difficult.” – Seneca 

“The process of change is a chaotic one.  But if we are persistent and patient, we will get the breakthrough.” 

“Switch the powerful inner switch from victim to leader.”

“Pursue rare air: FMOB – First, Most, Only, Best.”

“Keep Moving forward.” 

“Every one of us has at his or her core, a well of courage that is just begging to be tapped.”

“Criticism is the defense reaction that scared people use to protect themselves against change.” 

“Beliefs are nothing more than thoughts we’ve repeated over and over. until we’ve made them into. personal truths…Every belief becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

“Presenting more of the genius and brilliance you truly are to those around you so that, in your own special way, you help more people, isa pretty much the main purpose of life.” 


  1. You need no title to be a leader. – Anna 
  2. Turbulent times build great leaders. Problems and difficulties are good for you.  Move closer to the place you most fear instead of pulling back from it. – Ty
  3. The deeper your relationships, the stronger your leadership. It’s all about people. Money follows contribution. Part of your job becomes unleashing the greatness in people who’ve never seen the greatness within themselves. – Jackson 
  4. To be a great leader, first become a great person. – Jet

“The great news is that its not possible to grow your interior world and not see a corresponding growth in your exterior world.”


1.LEARNING – Read from books that will inspire you, strengthen your character, and remind you of the. greatest leaders in our world. Listen. to audio books on subjects from business excellence, team building and innovation, to wellness, relationships and personal motivation.

2.AFFIRMATIONS: One of the single best ways to rescript limiting beliefs and failure programs in your mind is through the consistent repetition of positive statements about the leader you want to become and the achievements you are in the process of creating. For example, reciting the affirmation,” Today, I am focused excellent and stunningly passionate in all I do” a number of times at the beginning of your day will create the mind-set of a champion and a winning emotional state for you. 

3.VISUALIZATION- The mind works through pictures. Every great accomplishment, from the talents skyscraper to the most stunning inventions …began with a series of pictures set in the imagination of the creators.

4.JOURNALING -Writing in a journal is a. remarkably strong way to become a clearer thinker,to build massive amounts of self-awareness, and to record your intended outcomes. 

5. GOAL-SETTING: Settting and then reconnecting with your goals on a regular basis is a powerful success discipline. Your goals will create focus…Goals generate hope and positive energy. And, when you experience adversity…clearly articulated goals will offer you a North Star to guide you out of the rough seas into calmer waters. Goals also ensure that you live life deliberately and productively versus reactively and accidentally. 

6. EXERCISE: Move your body daily to achieve peak performance at work. Doing something physical…boosts brain function, fuels far higher energy levels, helps you manage stress more effectively, and keeps you in the game longer.

7. NUTRITION: What you eat determines how well you’ll perform. Leadership is influenced by your diet. By eating like a winner, your energy will remain at peak and your moods will stay positive. By eating less food, you may be able to do better work. 



See Clearly

Health is Wealth 

Inspiration Matters 

Neglect Not Your Family 

Elevate Your Lifestyle 

In your journal, list 5 things you will do immediately to refuel your inner leader and take your mind, body, emotions, and spirit to their next level of excellence. Then schedule time to execute these goals flawlessly during the nest 7 days so you get the power of momentum working for you. 

” If one advances confidently in the direction of his/her dreams and endeavors to live the life which s/he has imagined, s/he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”  – Henry David Thoreau